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Argentina is One of the Best Friends of Armenia: Vladimir Vardanyan

April 22,2022 17:15

On April 21, the members of the RA NA Armenia-Argentina, Armenia-Uruguay Friendship Group Vladimir Vardanyan, Narek Babayan and Arusyak Julhakyan met with the members of the delegation arrived from Argentina, among them orientalists, journalists, lawyers and businessmen. The Executive Director at Armenia International Airports C.J.S.C. Juan Pablo Gechidjian headed the delegation.

Welcoming the guests in the National Assembly, Vladimir Vardanyan has noted that the friendly ties between the two states have a history of more than two centuries, and Argentina is one of the best friends of Armenia. He has underlined that Juan Pablo Gechidjian and the company headed by him are considered to be a bridge between the two peoples.

According to Juan Pablo Gechidjian, the aim of his visit is to deepen the knowledgeability of culture and history.

“I have great sympathy towards Armenia and the Armenian people, I am interested in Armenian cause. We are here to take part in the ceremonies of the memory dedicated to April 24 and to be next to the Armenian people,” the journalist-lawyer Karlos Maslatón said.

At the meeting, issues regarding the development of the parliamentary relations between Armenia and Argentina and the deepening of cooperation between the Friendship Groups were discussed. It has been noted that there is great potential of collaboration in a number of spheres.

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