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Vladimir Vardanyan: Internal consolidation and coordinated joint work are the keys to resolving the issue

May 26,2022 21:22

On May 26, the parliamentary briefings following the NA regular sittings were held, in which only the deputies of the NA Civil Contract Faction participated.

Reference was made to the position of the Civil Contract Faction regarding the statement of the opposition on convening an extraordinary sitting.

The Secretary of the faction Artur Hovhannisyan noticed that only a statement was made. According to him, when the draft on convening an extraordinary sitting is submitted to the National Assembly, then the faction will express its position on participation or non-participation in it. The deputy considered the rhetoric of the opposition and the vocabulary used during these days unacceptable.

According to Tsovinar Vardanyan, one should not speak in the language of stubbornness and arbitrariness with the political team of the ruling party, saying that they will come only with their agenda. “There are agendas that are important for the country, and the National Assembly moves forward with those agendas and, yes, it is a must to return from the parallel reality to reality and come back here,” the representative of the Civil Contract Faction underlined.

Vladimir Vardanyan expressed an opinion that the parliamentary opposition needs to return to the National Assembly, as the citizens of the Republic of Armenia have authorized the deputies to carry out their activities. “They will return – very good, they will not return – let the voter know with whom he/she is dealing,” he said and reminded that the NA Vice President representing the opposition faction, who is called to ensure the normal activity of the National Assembly, does not fulfill his obligations. Three important Committees are chaired by the opposition colleagues.

“If we want to resolve the issue, then internal consolidation and coordinated joint work in various instances abroad are the keys to resolving the issue, so that we can really have a perception of the international community that is more than pro-Armenian. Unfortunately, what is being done today weakens those positions more and more,” Vladimir Vardanyan emphasized.

The representative of the Civil Contract Faction asked a rhetoric question: “The Prime Minister’s visits abroad are accompanied by small pickets, where criticism is voiced. Did you organize the same thing once during the visit of Erdogan or Aliyev?”

The journalist inquired about the last amendments made to the Law on Mass Media, noting that the issues related to the violations in the working zone are regulated by other laws.

The co-author of the initiative Artur Hovhannisyan noted that a warning on violations was also given before this legislative amendment and not only by the legislative bodies, but by the staff of the National Assembly. That is, regardless the representation of political forces, the staff fulfills its responsibilities. In deputy’s opinion, it is about the rules of the working zone in the state body, which are stipulated in the accreditation procedure, with which the journalists are familiar. Artur Hovhannisyan ruled out the termination of accreditation of a journalist at his/her own discretion. “We are speaking about following the work rules,” he concluded.

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