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Performances Envisaged by Budget for 2021 of Public Services Regulatory Commission and State Committee for Protection of Economic Competition Are Discussed

June 02,2022 20:30

In 2021, 529.7mln AMD was allocated for the implementation of the programme Protection of Economic Competition, which was 98.5 percent of the planned indicator. The Chairman of the Competition Protection Commission Gegham Gevorgyan noted: the expenditures compared with the previous year have grown 22.9%.

In 2021, 104 studies were made for evaluating the situation of the economic competition instead of the envisaged 100. The expenditures of the measure were 529.5 million AMD, which were implemented.

According to Gegham Gevorgyan, in 2021 the Commission initiated anti-competition agreements: two proceedings, 15 proceedings – abuse of dominant position, 90 proceedings – unfair competition, and the number of the administrative complaints – 6. In the reporting year the fines were 64 million.

The representative of the RA Public Services Regulatory Commission Sergey Aghinyan noted that the within the framework of the regulation of the public services sphere 832.7 million AMD was allocated in the reporting year, which was 97.7% of the planned indicator.

During the year 2021, within the framework of the sphere regulation measure 27 licenses were provided instead of the predicted 277.

In 2021, the Commission provided 9 billion 340 million AMD for the state duty and tax revenue entries to the state budget.

In the sphere of the RA communication 11 permissions of the use of radio frequencies were provided instead of the predicted 6.

The expenditures of the measure were 814.7 million AMD or 97.6 percent of the planned ones.

The performances for 2021 of the two committees were discussed at the joint sitting of the Standing Committees on Economic Affairs and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs on June 1.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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