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Obvious parallels

June 03,2022 10:30

In the past, the police would beat the protesters. Law enforcement would create cases against the opposition, and the activists, international organizations, and Western ambassadors would say that that’s bad. They also beat people and create cases now, but human rights activists, international organizations, and ambassadors are, in fact, saying that it is good and praising “Armenian democracy.”

In the past, the “young Republicans” were enthusiastic in the “fight” with the opposition and proved that their boss is right in all matters, and those who think that there is an eyebrow above the eye of the glorious leader are scoundrels and anti-government elements. Now the “youth” do the same, sometimes substantiating their arguments with appropriate foot movements.

As before, so now the parliament, the ministers, not to mention the experts have no influence on the decision-makers. Decisions are made by one person, there is no counterbalance to it. Russia’s February 23 Security Council meeting is also a good “illustration” for our state order. The frightened “viziers” make great efforts to guess the will of the “king”, realizing very well that the decision has already been made.

A1 + was not aired before, and now it is not airing. It was just that in Kocharyan’s time they did it in a rude, cynical way, with a malicious laugh, and now the same thing is done without such open demonstrations. As Dostoevsky would say, “no fig in the nose.”

Ugly, obscene, and unacceptable words used to be said and written to the previous three leaders, now to the current Prime Minister. Many of those who used those words in the past are now complaining, “How can that be?”

In 2018, a significant number of schoolchildren blocked the roads and chanted in the streets. At the time, no one seemed to be wondering, “What business do minors have participating in political demonstrations?” Now such a question arises.


Aram Abrahamyan

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