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ARMENIA 2041 initiates a series of peer-to-peer interviews

June 03,2022 14:20

ARMENIA 2041 initiates a series of peer-to-peer interviews entitled “Ministry of Future Affairs” conducted by well-known Armenians and non-Armenians from around the world. The initiative is implemented in partnership with CivilNet.

The format is expected to offer an opportunity to discuss the challenges facing our country and our people, the ways to withstand those challenges, as well as the global changes and their potential impact, with intellectuals, academia, widely known personalities of various walks of life, business representatives, as well as people who are actively engaged in public life. The series covers a wide range of topics, including science, education, healthcare, politics business and focuses on themes relevant to Armenia and diaspora.

The first interview was conducted by co-founder of ARMENIA 2041 Foundation Dr. Noubar Afeyan with renowned American Armenian physician, Health Sciences Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCLA; producer for a Hollywood-production Armenian genocide epic, The Promise, Eric Esrailian.

The full videos of these and upcoming interviews will be available on ARMENIA 2041 Foundation and CivilNet platforms (FacebookTwitterYouTube).


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