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An independent judicial system in a democracy serves as a safeguard of the people’s rights and freedoms

June 09,2022 09:44

A joint Conference on “The Judiciary as Guardian of the Democracy» was organised by the EU/COE PGG project “Support to Judicial reforms implementation» and the Republic of Armenia Constitutional Court on 08 June 2022. The purpose of the conference is to facilitate the exchange between the Constitutional Court, general courts, and other branches of the power, along with the international community and local civil society with regard to the broader process of justice reform.

The event was attended by the Head of European Union Delegation to Armenia Ambassador Andrea Wiktorin, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Arman Dilanyan, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan Ms. Martina Schmidt, Armenian and European judiciary as well as representatives of Venice Commission and Council of Europe.

“An independent judicial system in a democracy serves as a safeguard of the people’s rights and freedoms. Constitutional Court has an important role in building public trust in the judiciary and ensuring that court decisions are based on the nation’s laws and constitution, not on shifting political power or external pressures”.

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