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Zareh Sinanyan held a series of meetings in Chicago

June 09,2022 19:01

Yerevan, Armenia (June 9, 2022) – RA High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan’s visit to the U.S. continues. The High Commissioner officially visited Chicago for the first time. Mr. Sinanyan met the Honorary Consul Oscar Tatosian, who serves the states of Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. An active community leader and successful rug retailer, Mr. Tatosian comes from a family of oriental rug retailers in Chicago named Oscar Isberian Rugs which was established in 1920. Mr. Tatosian has played a significant role in introducing made in Armenia products into the Chicago market.

Zareh Sinanyan also visited Yerevan Park, a park in downtown Chicago named for its Yerevan-Chicago benches. Then, the High Commissioner met with the Armenian youth of the Chicago area and learned of their educational and professional backgrounds and their work in the community. There, he presented our Office’s programs, encouraging the youth to further engage with their homeland.

Mr. Sinanyan highlighted the significance of the iGorts and the Diaspora Youth Ambassador programs, intended to increase the presence of Armenian specialists from the Diaspora working in the RA’s public sector. The participants of the meeting showed great enthusiasm for the office’s programs.

During his next meeting, the High Commissioner met with Armenian-American community leaders, many of whom are lawyers, doctors, and members of the clergy.

The meeting included an in-depth discussion of Armenia’s political realities, the need for legislative reforms, and the Armenia-Diaspora agenda.

Mr. Sinanyan thanked the community representatives for the great dialogue, cooperation, and continued commitment.
The next day, High Commissioner Sinanyan attended Sunday mass at the St. James Armenian Church in Evanston, led by Reverend Father Hovhan Khoja-Eynatyan. After the church service, a community meeting was held at the church hall where parishioners met with Mr. Sinanyan, were introduced to our Office’s activities, and had the opportunity to ask him questions.

Zareh Sinanyan emphasized the importance this church has played in preserving the strength of the community and cultivating Armenian identity and culture for more than 100 years.

Later, the St. James Narek Bell Choir of the church performed for the guests.

 Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs

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