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“Ararat Mirzoyan did not dare to speak about Artsakh’s right to self-determination in Yerevan, can you imagine what he is talking about elsewhere?”: Hayk Mamijanyan

June 10,2022 13:44

Hayk Mamijanyan, Secretary of the I Have Honor faction of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, at the rally of the Resistance Movement on France Square on June 9, assured that Artsakh could not be a coin in the world geopolitical games and stressed, “Artsakh is not a coin, but a homeland. The man, like a sold-out journalist, goes to Brussels to complain about Moscow, and to Moscow to gossip about Brussels.

They do not pursue a foreign policy that way. We have reached a point where the Armenian authorities are not talking about the recognition of the Armenian Genocide within the framework of the Armenian-Turkish settlement process, and the EU Parliament has included in its report the possibility of reconciling the Armenian Genocide recognition process with the Armenian-Turkish peoples.

We have reached the point that the whole world accepted that Turkey was involved in every way during the war, sent mercenaries to this region, and they could not capitalize on it because they are not interested in it. They have an ambassador in the USA. A few months before the war, he ruled out Turkey’s involvement in hostilities. This is their foresight.”

Speaking about the briefing of the RA-RF Foreign Ministers, Hayk Mamijanyan said, “Ararat Mirzoyan did not dare to speak about Artsakh’s right to self-determination in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. Can you imagine what he is talking about elsewhere?”


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