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“Large sales are taking place in the region, division of interests, territories, zones of influence, rights”: Artak Zakaryan

June 10,2022 16:44

Former RA Deputy Defense Minister Artak Zakaryan, referring to the regional events at the Hayeli club and the visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to Armenia within the framework of the CSTO Council of Ministers meeting, noted that quite active developments are taking place. But this does not mean that capitulators are so desirable that everyone wants to come to Armenia and be honored. This means quite the opposite, that today in the region there is a large regional sale, there is a division of interests, territories, zones of influence, and rights.

This division takes place in the regions of Ukraine and Syria, as well as in the South Caucasus. And unfortunately for us, Turkey exists in all three places. Is it a factor? And it trades in all three places. Unfortunately for us, in the most difficult, the most difficult, the most decisive moment, our authorities are ignorant, capitulating. That they were amateurs in 2018 means nothing, and that they were ignorant in 2019 is also nothing. But the fact that in 2020, while being amateurish and ignorant, they also became capitulators, the people who signed the ultimatums against Armenia and the failures, and who continue to represent the Republic of Armenia, it is really our nationwide tragedy.”


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