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“We will not go to civil clashes in our country”: Eduard Sharmazanov on a peaceful change of government

June 16,2022 14:14

“Do you remember that before starting the movement Nikol Pashinyan was talking in the parliament about lowering the status bar of Artsakh? Do you remember that Vigen Khachatryan, a member of his group, announced that the thesis from 1996 that Artsakh has no future within Azerbaijan is wrong?

Today, as a result of this movement and the pressure of tens of thousands of people, neither does Nikol Pashinyan speak of lowering the bar of Artsakh’s status, nor does Vigen Khachatryan say that Artsakh has a future within Azerbaijan,” said Eduard Sharmazanov, a member of the RPA executive body. He reiterated that this is not a pause in the movement.

“The RPA will fight against the regime serving the interests of the Nikol anti-state, anti-national, Turkish-Azerbaijani tandem until the formation of a national government in Armenia. All those who support the national government in Armenia, who realize that Nikolism in Armenia leads to political transgenderism and political sectarianism, are my natural allies… For us, a peaceful change of government is very important. We are not thirsty for blood like Nikol. We will not engage in civil strife in our country. These days they have tried to lead to confrontation through various provocations, but we will not go to power change with blood. We will go peacefully, cross the road, and that’s why it is necessary for 100,000 people to take to the streets and come.”

As for the disappointments, he also mentioned, “The struggle for the homeland is not with fanfare. In this struggle, the one who will get tired soon will lose.”  The RPA executive body member is confident, “Nikol will go. Eventually they will tell him, and he will go.”



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