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Internal governance of Chamber of Advocates to be reviewed

June 21,2022 19:30

Implementation of the reforms in the sphere of advocacy is designed by the activity programme of the RA Government 2021-2026 and the strategy of the judicial-legal reforms as an important strategic goal: the RA Deputy Minister of Justice Grigor Minasyan said during the June 21 extraordinary sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs.

The Government envisages amendments and addenda to the law on Advocacy and to the Criminal Code.

The initiative, particularly proposes to definitely review the internal governance of the Chamber of Advocates, it is designed to create a Disciplinary Committee. It will be possible to appeal the decisions of the created committee in the Board of the Chamber of Advocates.

The powers of the Board of the Chamber of Advocates are expanded, especially in the sphere of the activities of the Public Defender.

It is also proposed to rule out the involvement of one member or official of the Chamber in the different bodies, except the Chairman of the Chamber, if the latter is the Chairman of the Board. The Chairman of the Chamber and the members of the Board should maintain political neutrality and restraint during the activities.

The order of electing the members of the Chamber bodies also is reviewed. Development of structures of free gratuitous legal aid and alternative ways of providing public defense are envisaged.

The education and qualification order of the advocates will also be revised.

In her co-report the Committee Member Marine Ghazaryan noted that it is expected to expand the governance order, making consonant with the self-government principles. According to her, the disciplinary responsibility proceedings of the advocates will be more effectively conducted.

The legislative package was endorsed.

National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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