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Pashinyan sends congratulatory message to the Prime Minister of Canada

July 01,2022 19:30

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan sent a congratulatory message to the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau on the occasion of Canada Day. The message reads as follows,

“Honorable Mr. Prime Minister, dear Justin,

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Armenia and on my personal behalf, I convey to you warm congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of Canada Day.

Armenia appreciates the development of relations with Canada and is determined to deepen them as much as possible. The efforts of the Government of Canada and personally your efforts to support the accomplishment of democracy in the Republic of Armenia, one of the brightest manifestations of which was the visit of Special Envoy to Europe Stéphane Dion to Yerevan, are greatly appreciated. The recommendations in the comprehensive report pusblished based on the results of that visit can serve as a roadmap for the effective development of relations between our countries.

Once again congratulating you and the friendly people of Canada on this holiday, I express my readiness to continue the close cooperation for the sake of peace, prosperity and friendship of the peoples of the two countries.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.”


The Government of  the Republic of Armenia

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