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“It turns out that the handover of Berdzor, Aghavno, and Sus was agreed with the RA authorities”: Opposition MP

July 02,2022 14:14

“Why is the issue of Berdzor, Aghavno, and Sus settled through peaceful surrender? Let it not happen that the next day, not tomorrow, Azerbaijan will show ambitions towards Syunik, and we will be forced to say that we will give the residents of Syunik apartments and benefits in Yerevan,” said Tigran Abrahamian, deputy of the I Have Honor faction of the National Assembly, referring to the dangers of ceding the Berdzor corridor to Azerbaijan during the discussion initiated by the “Unification” movement.

“In the tripartite statement of November 9, it is not written that the construction of an alternative road implies the surrender of those three settlements. In fact, it turns out that the handover of Berdzor, Aghavno and Sus was agreed with the RA authorities. It is a shame when the head of RA does not even remember what settlements are surrendered.

He does not care; if there is something to hand over, they will hand it over. He does not even know the numbers of how many families live in Berdzor and Aghavno. The number of people is more than presented.

The Artsakh government is trying to bring the topic not to the one that is presented to the society, or to digest it, but to take the topic to the field of social orientation. Our task is not to take the topic to the humanitarian field,” Tigran Abrahamyan emphasized.

Luiza Sukiasyan

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