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“Continue to stay quiet, nothing lasts forever”: Hayk Mamijanyan to the EU delegation in Armenia

July 11,2022 12:12

“The peace promised by Nikol Pashinyan has arrived 100 km from Yerevan, in the village of Yelpin, an hour and a half drive. Oh, that’s the peace he promised, that’s what he brings you. Now you can continue to believe that we are all sell outs,” Hayk Mamijanyan, deputy of the I Have Honor faction, said at the rally of the Resistance movement held in France Square.

The opposition MP spoke about the energy memorandum to be signed between the European Union and Azerbaijan on July 18, noting that Nikol Pashinyan could not use this opportunity to put pressure on Azerbaijan to return our POWs, despite the fact that the CoE had published four documents clearly listing the crimes of Azerbaijan. By the way, Hayk Mamijanyan is not surprised that Nikol Pashinyan is handing over the Armenian villages.

He is certain that the latter learned during his press conference that the village of Sus exists. Hayk Mamijanyan referred to the Armenian-Turkish negotiations; he has no doubt that the agreement reached on that platform, a few days ago, means a concession in the negotiations on any other platform. He is not surprised by this either, because “Cavushoglu is his protector,” because “he, his backpackers, the officials of Turkey and Azerbaijan call us all revanchists.

No one else, only that much, they demand that Nikol stay in power.” He mocked Nikol Pashinyan, recalling the July 5 event “collected by official resources,” where “school children brought by force scream: Nikol, traitor.” The opposition MP is confident that Nikol Pashinyan will not be able to divert the agenda of the opposition by stealing a pen and feeding deer.

“Keep silent, nothing is forever,” Hayk Mamijanyan’s words were addressed to the EU delegation in Armenia, from where, in response to a question about the illegal criminal prosecutions of opposition figures, they stated that they see the commitment of the RA government to implement judicial reforms.


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