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The political forces of the country should force the leaders of the known forces to engage in a dialogue with the country’s elected Prime Minister

July 14,2022 13:13


I have to write about a complicated, very complicated reality, but this cannot be left like this.

Our country is facing complex foreign and security challenges. The question of our statehood is at stake. The danger of a new war has become extremely probable again.

In this situation, the internal stability of the country is vital. We have no right not only to not neutralize internal threats but also to create new ones in the face of such external threats and challenges.

Tomorrow, the National Assembly will discuss the issue of appealing to the Constitutional Court to deprive the oppositional MPs of their mandates. I hope that the issue will be rejected and that the authorities will not go further to aggravate the situation.

Moreover, I firmly believe that by moving away the tents and stopping the round-the-clock gatherings on French Square, the authorities themselves, as the winning side, should initiate a dialogue box and create an opportunity with the opposition on the reconciliation agenda, and it doesn’t matter at all what this dialogue may be about.

After all, we all recognized 2021; the result of the elections, and if we are sincere then we must also recognize the legitimacy of the votes given to the opposition by a section of our people. Citizens who voted for the opposition a year ago will not flee anywhere, whether we like them or not, they will continue to live next to us and we must overcome this antagonism sooner or later.

A situation has been created in the country, under which the opposition, not being able to find more creative ways to use the parliamentary platform, has chosen the path of street struggle and has failed on that path of its political struggle.

I think it is necessary to search and find a way out of the existing situation. We cannot allow external forces to exploit our country by using our internal disunity. This is happening right now. Seeing our internal division, the external forces fill the holes caused by it with themselves, and not at all with our state.

Everyone knows very well my attitude towards Kocharyan, Serzh, the RPA, and the ARF. But my personal or political position cannot have anything to do with this if we are talking about the state and the future of our Homeland. We are ready to lower the flags of our party if the issue concerns the internal and external security of our state.

I deeply believe that the government, which, with a high awareness of the interests of our country, is conducting the most difficult negotiation process with hostile Turkey, and is negotiating with the Armenian-hater Erdogan, Cavusoglu, because the interests of the country require him to do so, will be just as wise and will show the necessary maturity and will begin to look for ways to conduct a dialogue with a collective or individual segment of the opposition. It can happen in an open or a closed mode, with an agreed or non-agreed agenda. But it is necessary to speak.

Yes, the political forces of the country should force the leaders of the known forces to engage in a dialogue with the country’s elected Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan. This is a vitally important issue both internally and externally.

If our collective efforts do not succeed, and the people I mentioned do not meet the will of the people, then they will signal their personal and political finale in front of the world with this rejection step.

As the leader of the Rally For The Republic Party, perhaps from a political point of view, my proposal is against the short-term or medium-term goals for our political power, but who cares about our party goals, if the question of the permanence of our state and statehood is on the table?

Create that opportunity, open the smallest possible way, and talk to each other, for God’s sake!

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