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“Murad Papazyan’s post was a very ugly post, it was not worthy of a member of the Dashnaks, I would have made that decision only because of that post”: Hovik Aghazaryan

July 16,2022 12:12

The RA authorities have banned the entry of Murad Papazyan, chairman of the Coordinating Council of Armenian Organizations of France (CCAF), member of the ARF Bureau, into Armenia. He was sent back from the airport. The reason, according to the spreading information, is that Papazyan organized a protest against Pashinyan. Therefore, in a Facebook post, Papazyan connected it with the prime minister’s order. “By order of Nikol Pashinyan, I am seen as an undesirable element in Armenia. The police led me to the return plane when I had just arrived in Yerevan, where they stopped me at the entrance and confiscated my passport.”

In this regard, Aravot asked Hovik Aghazaryan, a member of the Civil Contract, as a former Dashnak, do you think it is normal that Murad Papazyan was not allowed to enter Armenia? He wrote that he is an undesirable person for Azerbaijan and Turkey, and now Armenia. Aghazaryan answered,”Only because of that post, I would have made that decision in retrospect. I have read the post and I would make that decision only because of that post. I am not aware of the details, I do not know on what grounds the body that made that decision made it. But his post was a very ugly post, it was not a post worthy of a Dashnak.”

Aghazaryan answered the question: Are you in favor of not allowing Armenians to enter Turkey and Azerbaijan, and now Armenia? “I’m not in favor of it. I don’t know on what basis they made that decision.” To the observation that Papazyan thinks it was on Pashinyan’s order, that is, because of Pashinyan’s personal whim, Aghazaryan responded that he is not aware of the details, he cannot assess the reasons, but in any case, Papazyan’s post was very ugly.


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