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“There is a collapse in all European airports, Lufthansa alone has canceled 2,000 flights”: Khachatur Sukiasyan

July 16,2022 14:14

In other countries, when many tourists come, they are usually happy. There is economic growth, and budget revenues increase. In our country, as it turned out from the explanation of the President of the Central Bank, Martin Galstyan, tourists have brought inflation. According to him, “One of the main sources of inflation in Armenia are people from Russia or other countries.”

Aravot asked Khachatur Sukiasyan, deputy of the Civil Contract faction, how acceptable is the reasoning of the Central Bank president, because with the arrival of tourists, the economy of that country develops, people live better, why is there a different picture in our country? He answered, “Of course it is, let’s just draw parallels. The goods exported from RA are exported by special trucks. The price of trucks has gone up quite a bit. There is a place where, when we compare the prices, it has increased 3.5 times. That’s the reason for the lack of cars, it’s the reason for the shortage, there aren’t enough cars, and the demand is more than the supply of cars. It is also the foreign currency that entered Armenia in a large flow and maybe they were not ready. I was told that even there were many cases when the parties of 6-7 in the evening were not satisfied with the products in the supermarkets.

It means that the amount sold in Armenia today was not evaluated and was not evaluated by the business, or the obligations that they had in foreign countries, they are bilateral. Maybe the Armenian business thought that they might face fines there, but in the Armenian reality I don’t think it will be with that kind of contractual strictness, so maybe they served the export first. Maybe this is the reason why there was a shortage of products at 6-7 o’clock.” To the question: if the prices have increased with the arrival of tourists, the prices of services have increased, can they make a decision to introduce restrictions on tourists?

“As happened in the case of apartment prices, it went up a lot in the beginning, then it decreased somewhat, now we have to think that if there is a shortage of something, they should be filled in some way to bring balance. And the prices are due to global inflation, we all know, in terms of transport, too. In the morning I looked at the foreign press. There is a collapse in all airports in Europe. Lufthansa alone canceled 2,000 flights without delaying them. It has canceled 2,000 flights within Europe at this stage, and it will have its impact. Now, the statistics that exist at the moment can be considered a certain force majeure, it will, of course, have an impact on the indicators for the year.”


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