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Country to live: For the international community, economic interest continues to prevail over universal values

August 03,2022 21:19

The statement of the party “Country to live” regarding Azerbaijan’s aggression

Azerbaijan continues its destructive politics having one sole purpose to depopulate Artsakh by depriving the people of Artsakh of their inalienable right to live on their own land.

After the ceasefire declaration of November 9, 2020, Azerbaijan has repeatedly violated the ceasefire regime yesterday and today in fact declaring a new war to Artsakh. Victims and wounded people as a result of the actions once again confirm that peaceful coexistence with Azerbaijan is impossible for Artsakh.

All this once again happens under the silent consent of the international community, sometimes accompanied by standard calls for bilateral peace.

Thus, the reckless behavior of Azerbaijan in 2020 and inadequate response of the international community to the war and subsequent events continues to give birth to new crimes against the Armenians.

For the international community, economic interest continues to prevail over universal values, which are supposed to be core principles for the same international community.

However, “County to live” pasty expects clear statement of condemnations towards the actions of Azerbaijan from international community, clearly supporting the provision of peace in the region. The international community should understand that even in 2020 The Turkish-Azerbaijani aggression did not break the will of the Artsakh people to live in their own land and Artsakh people will continue to ensure their inalienable right to live in Artsakh even at the cost of their lives, despite criminal behavior of Azerbaijan and silent consent of the international community.

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