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Armenian Assembly Condemns Azerbaijan’s Ceasefire Violations

August 04,2022 19:04
Today, Azerbaijan grossly violated the ceasefire agreement in Arstakh by executing an unprovoked attack against the Armenian people in Yeghtsahogh, a region along the Lachin/Berdzor corridor monitored by Russian peacekeepers, with the use of mortars, launching grenades, and drone strikes aimed at military positions and the place of residence of one military unit, resulting in 2 killed, 19 wounded, and 4 seriously wounded, reported the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly).
“The Armenian Assembly of America strongly condemns the ceasefire violation today by Azerbaijan’s Armed Forces,” stated Congressional Relations Director Mariam Khaloyan, who recently traveled to Artsakh via the Lachin/Berdzor corridor. “While Armenia has abided by the November 9, 2020 trilateral ceasefire statement, Azerbaijan continues to aggressively violate its terms, particularly by not releasing Armenian POWs, who are being tortured and abused. The State Department has called for Azerbaijan to immediately release all Armenian POWs, yet Azerbaijan’s clear disregard and continued unprovoked attacks against the Armenian people demonstrate that the Aliyev regime does not want peace.”
The Assembly strongly supported an amendment to the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), where the U.S. House of Representatives called for the immediate release of Armenian POWs still unjustly held captive by Azerbaijan.

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