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Azerbaijani forces just 4.5km away from Armenia’s Jermuk, army chief tells foreign diplomats

September 16,2022 20:00

ARMENPRESS. Right from the beginning of military operations the units of the Armenian Armed Forces, conducting positional fights against the adversary, were repelling the attacks of the Azerbaijani forces, Chief of General Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces Eduard Asryan said during the meeting with the representatives of diplomatic representations accredited in Armenia in Jermuk.

“During the day, also taking into account the superiority of the enemy’s units, we have lost several combat positions in some directions, which served a base for the adversary to be able to infiltrate deep into our defense with hundreds and more of its units.

As a result of actions of our units, in some directions, including in the direction of Jermuk and south-eastern, other eastern directions of Armenia, the enemy was pushed back to their initial positions. What I have presented in terms of the enemy’s advance in the direction of Jermuk has started overnight September 12-13 and continued until the establishment of the ceasefire. Before the military operations, the enemy’s distance from Jermuk town to the border has been 11-12km, but now the adversary is 4.5km away”, he said.

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