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A “best-selling” political commodity

September 27,2022 10:33

When I wrote that the Civil Contract party, and more precisely, Pashinyan himself, has a significantly higher rating than the rest of the parties, many people argued with me and said that they did not believe the Gallup International and NDI pօlls. But last Sunday, local government elections confirmed that hypothesis. The supporters of the government consider the results of the elections a convincing victory of Civil Contract, while the opponents consider it the defeat of the same party. But the reality is that the ruling power won in about half of the communities and lost in the other half.

That means that in total, the Civil Contract has collected as much as all other parties- more than a dozen. In other words, if we spread the results of the local government elections to the national elections, which, of course, from a scientific point of view, will not be very correct, then again it will turn out that the Civil Contract will collect about 50 percent in the parliamentary elections, and the rest of the parties – 5, 10, 20, at most, 25 percent.

It is clear that citizens with opposition views do not like it. But if the forces that these citizens sympathize with have serious intentions, then they should accept the reality and not be guided by their wishes and dreams.

And the reality is that, for example, in Ishkhanasar, near which the Azerbaijani units are located, the residents voted for Civil Contract. Many assumptions can be made about the reasons: they are not bothered by the presence of the enemy, or maybe they think that the Azerbaijanis should be under their noses, so that the former regime does not return. But whichever explanation you choose, you cannot deny the obvious reality.

Accusations against citizens, let alone insults, should not find a place in a cold, emotionless political analysis. Political forces should prepare for the next local government elections, including the Yerevan City Council, and the next parliamentary elections, taking into account the created realities and the fact that the “most sold” political product continues to be hatred towards the former, which is often spiced up recently with accusations against the “5th Column”…

By the way, you can ask: where are the Republican and Prosperous Armenia parties? The answer is simple. They were smoothly transformed into Civil Contract at local levels.


Aram Abrahamyan

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