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“The key to the future of Artsakh is in the hands of the people of Artsakh”: Robert Kocharyan

September 29,2022 16:30

“The key to the future of Artsakh, in my deep conviction, is in the hands of the people of Artsakh. It happened like that, both now and in 1992, when our situation was not better,” said Robert Kocharyan, the second president of Armenia, at the press conference held on September 28, answering a journalist’s question.

The question was as follows: in his last interview, the first President Levon Ter-Petrossian said that the Artsakh issue no longer exists, it has already been resolved, Armenia has nothing to say and do here, and if before the Russian-Ukrainian war the key to solving the Artsakh issue was in the hands of the Russian Federation, then now it is not known where that key is.

“Will the elite go for cooperation, integrating step by step with Azerbaijan, or are they still ready to fight?” said the second president, adding that a part of that key is in the hands of the Armenian people. “Will the people of Armenia force the authorities to introduce certainty in their approach to Artsakh or not? Does it not concern you that the words republic and self-determination are not used at all? What does this mean? If the people are ready to fight, then there is a chance to stop all this.”

To the question about another statement by Levon Ter-Petrossian that the three presidents of Armenia, in fact, do not know what Nikol Pashinyan promised to the leaders of other countries, but he is sure that Armenia’s capitulation is inevitable, Robert Kocharyan answered, “That is Levon Ter-Petrossian’s approach. He had such an approach back in 1992. I have never considered that there are hopeless situations. A door opens only for a fighter. I strongly disagree with those assessments. Yes, the situation is difficult, and there are many problems, but that does not mean that in this situation we should give up and accept the coercions that are being imposed on Armenia today.”



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