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“Russia’s policy not only gives a green light to Azerbaijan and Turkey, but also provides a guarantee”

October 04,2022 12:02

According to Van Grigoryan, co-chair of the Armenian Congress of America, an opportunity to provide military support to Armenia has opened up today. “Russia’s policy not only gives Azerbaijan and Turkey a green light, but also gives a guarantee to carry out their actions,” Van Grigoryan, co-chairman of the Armenian Congress of America, announced during a video conference organized by the Armenian Congress of America entitled “Artsakh: Two years after Azerbaijan.”

Looking back at the events of the last years- diplomacy, politics, and the war situation- he said:  “Looking back at the events, we realized that all these processes are related to time, general geopolitical situation and various other factors. Among those factors are the fluid political situation, the Russian-Ukrainian war.”

He noted that after the signing of the statements of November and December 2020, the aggression by Azerbaijan continues, now towards the border of Armenia. He remarked, “After these events, we began to see changes in the policies of the USA and France at the diplomatic level. You see the targeted statements regarding the withdrawal of Azerbaijani troops from the territory of Armenia. The USA and France have clearly condemned the attack by Azerbaijan on the Armenian state border on September 13. Iran’s statements are becoming more and more loud in terms of disagreement regarding any possible change of Armenia’s borders. Recalling how Azerbaijan treated Armenian soldiers, dead female soldiers, how they mutilated their bodies, and how they treat Armenian prisoners of war, he noted that the assessment of the international community is not equivalent to all this. It only makes cold comments.

According to him, all countries understand well, governments are aware of what is happening, and most governments are involved in these issues. And it is understandable that all this is happening in order to eliminate the traces of Armenian cultural heritage, he assured, “It is impossible that the Russian government and the US government are not aware of this goal, that they do not see that Turkey and Azerbaijan are implementing this policy to eliminate the Armenian footprint. Their goal is to establish the supremacy of their power through ethnic cleansing, spreading hatred.”

Van Grigoryan stated that there are laws that condemn what is being carried out by Azerbaijan, and referring specifically to the policy of the United States, he noted: “When the US allocated 120 million military aid to Azerbaijan during the Trump administration, it was a terrible signal for Armenia. If the US wants to be taken seriously in the region, it should pay attention to these issues. The US must come to terms with this reality. Resolution 907 was finally adopted by the Biden administration, and an opportunity was opened to provide military support to Armenia. Today, the upheavals are not in the interests of the United States.” According to Van Grigoryan, we should go the way of publicizing the crimes committed by Azerbaijan and achieve it so that the world sees, condemns, and imposes sanctions on Azerbaijan.



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