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“Those issues are up for discussion, I do not have a verdict”: David Price on Turkey demanding a “corridor” from Armenia

October 19,2022 21:34

Answering the question about Turkey demanding the “Zangezur corridor” and the USA’s position on the matter, David Price, the president of the Democratic Party of the US House of Representatives, noted during a press conference: “Yes, Turkey is a member of NATO and our colleague, and our opinions do differ in some cases.  That is our approach toward foreign affairs. I cannot make any judgment at the time being, nor can I give you a verdict, but I can reaffirm our support towards OSCE Minsk group’s processes and that the discussions our European colleagues have in two-sided or three-sided formats. There is a lot to discuss, and it needs to be done peacefully, with free will. I am certain that our country will be an active collaborator during the process”.

Price’s response to the question about whether the US is ready to provide safety guarantees for Armenia worsening the relationship with Russia, and if Armenia is expected to change its foreign policy for that, was as follows: “The USA is ready to be included in versatile and two-sided negotiations. We realize the importance of the role of our co-chairs in the Minsk group and know that the reality of political safety in this area has suffered serious changes. Ceaseless negotiations are required. Our country is prepared to offer its support. We do not want any party to undertake a predetermined role. It is quite the opposite, we are all for peace, which needs to be based on the values of the residents here. That is a two-sided responsibility, which was undertaken by the US Congress.”


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