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President of Luxembourg’s Parliament Answers Sona Ghazaryan’s Letter: The Aggression Unleashed by Azerbaijan against Sovereign Territory of Armenia is a Direct Attack on Sovereignty of Armenia

October 20,2022 15:04

As a Head of RA NA Armenia-Luxembourg Friendship Group, deputy Sona Ghazaryan addressed with a letter to the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Grand Duchess of Luxembourg Fernand Etgen on the last aggression of Azerbaijan against Armenia, presenting the situation in Armenia and the danger of the new attack.

In the reply letter on behalf of the legislative body of his country the President of Luxembourg’s Parliament expressed continuous support for the democracy and territorial integrity of Armenia, stressing that the aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan against the sovereign territory of Armenia is a direct attack on sovereignty of Armenia.

As a support the President of Luxembourg’s Parliament informed that a decision was made to send a high-ranking delegation of Luxembourg’s Parliament to Armenia. The terms of the visit of Luxembourg counterparts are specified.

The Head of the ADR Faction Fernand Kartheiser informed that the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn answered the deputy’s question on recent aggression of Azerbaijan against Armenia, reaffirmed the condemnation of the actions of Azerbaijan, underlining that they were condemned by the European Union.

The Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Luxembourg noted that the deployment of the EU mission on the border of Armenia and Azerbaijan is important, which can have a stabilizing role.

Jean Asselborn stressed that the EU mission can also promote the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh problem.

The Head of the Foreign Political Department of Luxembourg again urged to refrain from the processes promoting the further escalation of the situation.

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