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Azerbaijani Aggression against RA Sovereign Territory is Considered Unacceptable

October 25,2022 11:44

On October 24, the Secretary of the NA Civil Contract Artur Hovhannisyan and the deputy of the Faction Hripsime Grigoryan hosted the media representatives, analysts and the political scientists, who had arrived from Italy.

The aim of the Group’s visit to our country is to get acquainted with the regional developments, particularly the events going on around Artsakh and introduce the situation on the regional security and the political processes.

The Armenian parliamentarians conveyed detailed information to the guests on the current situation. The MPs considered unacceptable the Azerbaijani aggression against the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia and highlighted the international targeted response in that issue. The immediate return of Armenian prisoners of war being Azerbaijan and other held persons was highlighted.

The foreign policy positions of Armenia on the world and regional processes were also presented. The security problems and challenges of the region were discussed.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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