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Direct dialogue is key to reaching lasting peace – US State Department on Armenia-Azerbaijan

October 27,2022 11:01

ARMENPRESS. The United States believes that direct dialogue is key to resolving all issues and reaching a lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan, State Department Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel said at a press briefing.

“….the Secretary has emphasized that the U.S. has communicated – is committed to Armenia‑Azerbaijan peace negotiations, and we have encouraged both leaders to meet in whatever format is most useful to them. Our viewpoint is that direct dialogue is key to resolving these issues and reaching a lasting peace. There is no greater supporter than the U.S. for the sovereignty and independence of the three countries in the South Caucasus, and the restoration of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia’s independence in 1991 when [from] the Soviet Union was a seminal event that guaranteed each of these countries the right to pursue their own foreign policy interests and sovereignty,” he said.

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