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The NA Vice President Ruben Rubinyan was elected Deputy Chairman of the Permanent Commission

October 27,2022 21:40

Meetings of IPA CIS Commissions and Session of Youth Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Held in Samarkand

On October 27, in Samarkand the meetings of the CIS Parliamentary Assembly Permanent Commissions and the session of the Youth Inter-Parliamentary Assembly took place. The RA NA deputies took part in the abovementioned events.

The RA NA Vice President, the Member of the RA NA delegation to the IPA CIS Ruben Rubinyan took part in the meeting of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Political Issues and International Cooperation .

Items on preservation of historical memory and the inadmissibility of the attempts and falsifying the history were discussed. Information was provided on the participation IPA CIS observers in the region.

The NA Vice President Ruben Rubinyan was elected Deputy Chairman of the Permanent Commission.

The Member of the RA NA delegation to the IPA CIS Mikayel Tumasyan took part in the meeting of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Culture, Information, Tourism and Sport.

The directions of elaborating the edited draft of the Code on Intellectual Property of CIS Countries, as well as the legislation of digital development in the spheres of culture, tourism and sport were discussed.

A number of items on drafting the model laws were also included in the agenda.

As a result of discussions, Mikayel Tumasyan was elected in the position of the Deputy Chairman of the abovementioned Commission.

The MP Narek Zeynalyan took part in the meeting of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources and Ecology. The parliamentarians discussed the model drafts on the fields of ecological safety, agriculture and mining.

A reference was made to the Rules of Procedure of the Expert Advisory Board under the IPA CIS on Ecology and Environmental Management Ecology, information was introduced on the national legislation elaboration in the sphere of natural resources and ecology.

The preparatory work of the International Forum ‘Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories’ was also discussed. It is designed to hold in autumn of 2023.

At the meeting of the IPA CIS Youth Inter-Parliamentary Assembly deputies Lilit Minasyan and Aleksey Sandikov took part from the Armenian side.

One of the key issues of the meeting has been the overcoming of the problem of the young persons, not engaged in education, employment or training (NEET Group). The CIS parliamentarians shared experience of their countries on the legislation regulation of the unemployment of the young people.

The representatives of Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan took part in the discussion of the issue.

The young parliamentarians also discussed the proposals of granting badge of honor for the Investment in the International Youth Cooperation. The prize was set by the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Council on the initiative of the youth wing.

The participants of the Youth Inter-Parliamentary Assembly summed up the work of the current year. Lilit Minasyan was elected Coordinating Chairperson of the Assembly in rotation order for one year.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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