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“Okay, no weapons were supplied, you did pay the money, and they did not fulfill their duties. Aren’t there any shovels or pickaxes in this country?”: Seyran Ohanyan

October 27,2022 20:02

During a conference of parliaments of CSTO member states in Saint-Petersburg, Armen Khachatryan, MP from the “Civil Contract” faction, stated: “The Azerbaijani armed forces have occupied about 127 square kilometers of Armenian territory over the past year”, while the Prime Minister had made other declarations: 10km2, 41, 51, but not 127.

Seyran Ohanyan, the head of the “Armenia” faction and former Defense Minister, told the journalists: “Do you think the current authorities will ever tell the truth?”. According to him, the streak of defeats succeeded the 44-day war. The “Resistance Movement” was created to prevent it.

Ohanyan claimed that Armenia lost 50 positions because the government did not take care of the country’s safety: “Okay, no weapons were supplied, you did pay the money and they did not fulfill their duties. Aren’t there any shovels or pickaxes in this country? It is possible to sign contracts and protect the country simultaneously. The border residents have been asking to be included in the trenching processes for a long time.”

To the question about whether there is any anti-Russian environment in Armenia, Ohanyan responded that Armenia cannot leave its geographical position and live somewhere else. Regarding CSTO’s idleness, he said that CSTO is not going to come to Armenia to dig trenches and preserve the borders: “If you haven’t declared martial law, you shout and beg others to help you. A normal individual defends himself”.



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