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Standing by Artsakh means standing by the civilized format of self-determination of nations

October 30,2022 22:10

ARTSAKHPRESS: Primate of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Bishop Vrtanes Abrahamyan, mentioned during the rally held in Stepanakert’s Revival Square. According to Bishop Vrtanes Abrahamyan, to stand by Artsakh today means to stand by justice and civilization. This is the key to solving the Artsakh issue, standing by the civilized format of self-determination of nations.

“Dear compatriots, you are truly the heroic children of the heroic people. Today, you have left aside all your personal troubles and difficulties and have come here, to Renaissance Square, at the sacred call of your heroic ancestors, who started the Artsakh movement, which later became a struggle and a struggle for survival, in order to show all Armenians that Artsakh lives and will live, because according to the gospel word, our “Yes” is yes and “No” is no.

As the diocesan leader, I am not only blessing, but also bowing before your devotional attitude. We have paid a very high price to be able to live in a free, independent, self-determined Artsakh, and our symbolic gathering today is a vivid proof of the fact that the Artsakh movement is not over and it continues with a new emphasis, because we are a living nation, and contrary to visible and invisible enemies, Artsakh will live and be strengthened.

The “Yes” of independence in 1988 remains current and more powerful, so that it becomes unifying for all Armenians. We assure you that today all Armenians in Armenia and Diaspora are waiting for the decision of Artsakh Armenians, and the people together with their legislative leadership have made that decision-statement. Therefore, we should throw away all kinds of weak and vulnerable phenomena that hinder our unity and struggle.

Let’s put on the armor of God. Let’s put on the robe of faith, take the shield of virtues and the sword of justice and become one unity that really suits the people of Artsakh, let’s hold the hands of the pioneers of the Artsakh movement to continue our just struggle. Today our nation is facing such a difficult test, when the question of our being – not being, our national dignity and loss is put.
The evil forces are trying to evict Armenians from Artsakh, make decisions not in our favor and give to all this the wording of “civilized”.
But we know that the issue of Artsakh is not an ordinary issue, it is a war between evil and good, darkness and light, a nomad and a native, which they want to solve secretly and without us. Today, there is only one way to solve the Artsakh issue: a free and self-determined Artsakh. It is with this conviction that we have been saying “Yes” to self-determination for 30 years and more.

Today, being next to Artsakh means being next to the justice and civilization, this is the key to solving the Artsakh issue, standing by the civilized format of self-determination of nations. As in the past, today also the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church stands by the Artsakh Armenians. I pray that God blesses our unity, blesses our Artsakh world and its freedom-loving spirit.

We give our thanks and blessings to the troops and command of the peacekeeping mission of the Russian Federation for ensuring our daily life and peace in our land. We express our gratitude to the Russian Orthodox Church, which today has its spiritual “embassy” in Artsakh, where daily prayers are offered for Russia and Artsakh. I sincerely hope that two more important friendship structures will be built on the foundation of this spiritual embassy- in the economic and political spheres.

Dear Compatriots, If we are united and live a God-pleasing life, then God will not delay the day of salvation of Artsakh. Let us think with this spirit and act with this faith. May God bless Artsakh and its heroic people.

Amen,” said the Primate of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Bishop Vrtanes Abrahamyan.

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