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The Russian Federation’s war in Ukraine constitutes “the most severe assault on European security since the signing of the Helsinki Final Act”

November 03,2022 11:22

PA President Cederfelt addresses OSCE ambassadors, Baltic Assembly

OSCE PA President Margareta Cederfelt (Sweden) addressed the OSCE Permanent Council on 27 October, reiterating the importance of standing up for shared values and responding to violations of international law. The President noted that the Russian Federation’s war in Ukraine constitutes “the most severe assault on European security since the signing of the Helsinki Final Act,” with “widespread implications for the whole OSCE region and beyond.”

She expressed appreciation for the current OSCE Polish Chairmanship and the upcoming Chairmanship of North Macedonia, noting that taking the helm of the OSCE at such a time of turmoil “is an act of courage and valour.” The President also spoke about the importance of facilitating a clean energy transition, as well as the recent resurgence of fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan. “We must give diplomacy a chance to prevail over the use of force,” she said.

Following her speech, representatives from 15 OSCE delegations took the floor to respond to points she raised, including issues related to the war in Ukraine and the situation in the South Caucasus, as well as possible changes to the PA’s Rules of Procedure and debate over appropriate measures to sanction participating States that violate the Helsinki Final Act. Many Permanent Representatives expressed appreciation for the work of the Assembly and welcomed further co-operation with the OSCE’s parliamentary dimension.

While in Vienna, President Cederfelt met with the Permanent Representatives of Ukraine, Poland, and North Macedonia, as well as the Charge d’Affaires of the United States. She also had an opportunity to exchange views with students from the Warsaw Diplomatic Academy.

Following her engagements in Vienna, Cederfelt traveled to Riga for the 41st session Baltic Assembly, which brought together parliamentarians from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania to discuss co-operation and regional challenges, including energy supplies. Addressing the parliamentarians on 28 October, Cederfelt emphasized the importance of recognizing the Baltic perspective on international affairs, and thanked the Baltic States for their contributions to the OSCE. The President held a working lunch with the leadership of parliaments from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Montenegro, Poland, and Ukraine.

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