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In 2023, 37 Billion 905 Million AMD to be Allocated to the Sphere of Agriculture, which is About 6 Billion AMD More Compared with the Current Year

November 07,2022 21:40

In 2023, 298.6 billion AMD was designed to allocate for the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure. The total sum of the programme financing for 2023 on the territorial administration sphere is 135 billion AMD, and the sum of the programmes on the water sphere is 49 billion 560 million AMD. According to the draft state budget, in 2023 the Ministry of Environment will implement programmes worth of 8 billion 142 million AMD. In 2023, it is planned for the Ministry of Economy that the support prgrammes of agriculture should have 37 billion 935 million AMD financing. On November 7, the RA Minister of Finance Tigran Khachatryan said about this at the joint sitting of the NA Standing Committee of Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs during the debate of the preliminary programmes and financial allocations being designed in the relevant spheres by the draft law on the RA State Budget for 2023.

The RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan noted that 37 billion 906 million AMD was designed to the sphere of agriculture, instead of 31 billion 170 million of the current year. I 2021, the factual costs were 24 billion 170 million AMD.

According to the Minister of Economy, the agriculture is one of the motivating factors of the establishment of livening standards and economy. The food safety of the population, the possibilities of the development of the rural settlements, the people’s health and safety are conditioned by the quality and development of the sphere.

As the Minister assured, the primary production of the agriculture provides about 11-13% of the GDP, and the agricultural-food system, in general, is about 25% of the GDP.

Vahan Kerobyan also noted that 22% of the employed of our country is included in the agriculture.

According to the Minister, the policy being implemented by the Government is directed to the intensification and enlargement of the agriculture, the effective use of the land and water resources, the rise of the food safety provision, the development of animal husbandry and plant breeding, the introduction of the progressive technologies, the realization pf the agricultural products and boosting of export, the increase of the entities included in the whole value chain, the agricultural economies and the food processors.

According to Vahan Kerobyan, in 2023 it is designed to increase the volume of the agricultural gross product, reaching up to 1.2 trillion AMD. In the previous year, it was 933 billion AMD. According to the Government programme for 2021-2026, the plan will reach 1.4 trillion AMD in 2026.

As a result of the enlargement farmer economies, it is planned to decrease the number of the agricultures up to 200.000, instead of 317.000, at the same time promoting the rise of the productivity of the value created by the agricultural economy,” Vahan Kerobyan mentioned and added that the volume of the agricultural product was 879 USD according to nine months of 2022, which exceeds the indicator planned in 2028 in the strategy of the agriculture.

According to him, next year preconditions will be created for the introduction of the agricultural insurance system.

In 2023, 36 measures of 6 programmes will be implemented. “The rise of the productivity passes with red thread in the programmes of agriculture in concrete directions,” the RA Minister of Economy said.

In 2023 it was designed to allocate 19,604 million AMD for the programme of Boosting Agriculture. The goal is the increase of the food product volumes being received from the agricultural product and their processing. It is envisaged to subsidize the agricultural loans provided by 40396 entities in the previous years.

Measures aimed at the Armenian wine-making advertisement, the advancement and export of the Armenian wines.

In 2023, it was designed to allocate 3.047.2 million AMD on the programme ‘Boosting of Plant Breeding and Protection of Plants.’ Within the framework of the programme 180.000 ha will be researched for disclosing harmful organisms, agro-chemical maps made of the lands of ahricultural significance will be provided to 85 communities.

In 2023, 1.609.2 million AMD is designed to allocate to the programme Veterinary Services. The goal of the programme is the provision of the animal epidemic stable background. 978.837 prognostic measures, 3.769.771 preventive vaccinations and enumeration of 246.5000 different kinds of cattle will be carried out.

In 2023, 12.383.4 million AMD will be allocated on the programme Modernization of Agriculture. The goal is the modernization of the agricultural technical systems, the support of the introduction of the intensive gardens and on breeding of new breeds.

In 2023, 653.4 million AMD is calculated for the programme Restoration and Development of the Rural Infrastructure. It is envisaged to introduce modern irrigation systems in Armavir and Ararat marzes.

In 2023, 638.2 million AMD will be allocated on the programme Support of Financing the Infrastructure and the villages. The goal of the programme is to improve the economic and social status of the rural population and create stable mechanisms of ensuring employment.

“The financing of the sphere of agriculture in big rates increases, but in terms of symmetry, we have not reached the standards of the agriculture of the European Union,” Vahan Kerobyan noted.

Answering the question raised by the Chair of the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gevorg Papoyan regarding the rise of efficiency of agriculture, the RA Minister of Economy noted that in the viewpoint of the international partners and our specialists, the development rate of agriculture of Armenia increased.

Vahan Kerobyan emphasized the elaboration and the adoption of the law on Agriculture. “We have evaluations, but not statistics on the agriculture,” the Minister of Economy said. According to him, by the adoption of the law we’ll have statistics, which will give opportunity to precisely present the real picture of the sphere.

The deputies’ questions related to numerous problems existing in the sphere.

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