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Minister of Territorial Administration Presents Budgetary Allocations for 2023

November 08,2022 14:14

Preliminary Debates of State Budget Continue in Committees of Parliament

298.6 billion AMD will be allocated for the coming year on the cost of the Ministry, which is 9% more than the allocation of the previous year. Next year, the Ministry designs to carry out 23 programmes with 137 measures. 115 billion AMD is planned to allocate to the sphere of transport, 49.6 billion AMD – to the water sphere, 27 billion AMD – to the energy sphere and 137.8 billion AMD – to the administration sphere. The Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Gnel Sanosyan informed about this at the joint sitting of the Standing Committees on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs during the preliminary discussions of the draft law on the RA State Budget for 2023.

The Minister presented the programmes to be implemented.

99 billion AMD will be allocated for the implementation of the programme Territorial Development, which is 15.5 billion AMD more than the allocation of the previous year. The next big allocation refers to the subvention programmes. In the coming year23 billion AMD will be allocated to these costs: this year 18 billion AMD was allocated.

In 2023, 973 million AMD will be allocated for supporting the border communities. 23 communities and 82 settlements have a border status.

5.4 billion AMD is planned to allocate by the programme Allocation of Subventions to the City of Yerevan.

23.4 billion AMD will be allocated to the programme City Development. In particular, 11.3 billion AMD will be provided for purchasing buses for the city of Yerevan. The Minister informed that the phase of purchasing and paying the buses already approaches.

700 million AMD is designed for Gyumri. Within the framework of this sum lightening and road-construction work will be carried out.

In 2023, state property with the amount of 10 billion AMD will be alienated.

49.6 billion AMD is planned to allocate to the water sphere. 32.8 billion will be allocated to the programme Recuperation of Irrigation System.

In particular, 10.6 billion AMD will be allocated to the construction of Kaps Reservoir, the development of irrigation systems of 5.5 billion AMD, etc.

15 billion AMD will be allocated to the programme ‘Improvement of Water Supply, Drainage System.

The allocations to the city of Yerevan in the coming year will be by 6.2 billion AMD more.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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