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The Conscript Serviceman Can Turn into Contract Military Service After Serving 6 Months

November 15,2022 22:33

After being enlisted and serving in the educational military unit and training as a soldier the Government gives an opportunity to the serviceman to become a contractual serviceman and to make use of all possibilities and privileges being given to the contractual serviceman. On November 15, the National Assembly in the first reading debated the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Military Service and the Serviceman’s Status.

As the Defense Minister Suren Papikyan informed, the adoption of the draft is aimed at raising the attractiveness and interest of turning into contract military service. On that occasion a necessity has arisen to introduce a new programme, which will bear the name Homeland Defense. The term of the programme is designed 5 years. After the end of the contract term, irrespective of the wish of discharging or continuing the service, or in case of being discharged early those servicemen will be given honorarium with the amount of 5 million AMD, which the serviceman or the citizen will dispose of at his own discretion, After the introduction of this programme, the programme I AM of the Ministry of Defense.

“It is very important that we’ll see it as an important tool strengthening peace around the Republic of Armenia. Armenia has no wish to be in war with any country, has no aggressive aspiration, The RA citizen is enlisting for defending the borders of his country, and our army becomes professional,” the Minister underlined in his concluding speech.

The NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security endorsed the draft.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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