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New Doors Opened before Armenia in Geopolitical Aspect: Taguhi Tovmasyan

November 23,2022 13:13

Taguhi Tovmasyan Hosts YSU Graduate Students

New doors opened before Armenia in geopolitical aspect, and we should be able to advance the state interest of the Republic of Armenia and the Artsakh Republic: the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Taguhi Tovmasyan, on November 22 hosting the graduate students of the Master’s Programmes: International Relations, World Politics and American Studies of Yerevan State University (YSU).

The MP presented to the students the structure, the functions of the parliament, the activity of the Committee led by her, talked about the parliamentary diplomacy, protection of human rights and a number of other issues.

There were also students from Artsakh in the group of the graduate students: a special reference was made to the Artsakh problem and the challenges facing the Artsakh Armenians.

The students were interested in geopolitical rearrangements, the return process of prisoners of war and issues concerning the refugees.

At the end of the meeting, Taguhi Tovmasyan advised the international scholars to be active and claimant, moreover, not only from the authorities of Armenia, but also from the international community, always to voice out loud with their own connections, through organizations the most important issues for Armenia and Artsakh.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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