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Arman Tatoyan will present the facts of the Azerbaijani criminal invasions in Armenia

November 27,2022 13:00

We must unite our efforts all over the World to fight against the anti-Armenian (Armenophobia) policy of the Azerbaijani authorities, the crimes they committed against our people, and for the responsibility for these crimes. We must not allow them to hide their criminal intentions and mislead the World. At the invitation of the Armenian National Committee of Australia, in the coming week I will have high-level meetings in Australia, I will also meet with the Armenian community leaders and youth.

I will present the facts of the Azerbaijani criminal invasions in Armenia, the consequences of their armed deployments near the communities, on the roads, facts of the disrupted lives of the border residents, the policy of ethnic cleansing against the indigenous people of Artsakh, the Artsakh Armenians.

During the visit, I will also present the latest studies of the Center for Law and Justice “Tatoyan” Foundation and, of course, the areas of the Foundation’s activities.


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