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We appeal to our international partners to demonstrate with clear steps. “Country of Living”

December 03,2022 18:18

Azerbaijan’s move to block the highway connecting Artsakh with Armenia is yet another act of sabotage against the civilian population of Artsakh. All this pursues one single objective,. – to prevent our compatriots in Artsakh to enjoy safe life in their homeland. Azerbaijan’s politico-military leadership has made its objective plain: to depopulate Artsakh to leave it without Armenians, thereby “closing the Artsakh” issue.

The Armenophobic policy pursued by Azerbaijan and the continuing aggression, the use of force and threat of force come to reveal that Azerbaijan not only disrespects its international commitments and the ceasefire agreement signed but also ignores, and demonstrates its blatant contempt for, the calls by the international community. We appeal to our international partners to demonstrate with clear steps – in addition to the repeated calls – that Azerbaijan cannot commit such actions against the Armenians of Artsakh while remaining unpunished. Aggression must not go unpunished, and use of force and threat of force must be ruled out as the sole groundwork to make a discourse on achieving a steady and lasting peace in our region possible.

Azerbaijan proves, on a daily basis, that Artsakh and the population of Artsakh cannot enjoy a peaceful existence while being a part of Azerbaijan.

Hence, the Artsakh people’s right to live on their land is irreversible and it needs international endorsement to rule out the calamity of ethnic purges against the Armenians of Artsakh.

Country of Living Party

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