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The failure of the mobilization of Russian reservists prompted the authorities to involve the Federal Security Service (FSB) in the action

December 08,2022 10:39

– The failure of the mobilization of Russian reservists prompted the authorities to involve the Federal Security Service (FSB) in the action.

– Russian aggression against Ukraine affects more and more innocent citizens of the Russian Federation.

– There are many known cases of phone calls and e-mails, as well as FSB intrusions at the place of residence of Russian citizens. The reason is the alleged possession by the security service of evidence of the participation of selected people in anti-government protests and the spreading of false information about the war in Ukraine and the Russian armed forces. They are intended to force citizens to report to the nearest FSB units in order to explain the circumstances of the incident. Otherwise, the case will be brought to court. In fact, this is an excuse to force the reservists to mobilize and send them to the Ukrainian front.

– In order to cause even greater public fear, the FSB began the next stage of the operation, informing the population that if they did not clarify the accusations within the required period, the information would immediately be sent to and employers on the order of immediate dismissal.

– The campaign covers most regions of Russia, and employees of many companies and institutions, including Transneft, Rosatom, VTB Bank, Rusgeology, the Ministry of Economic Development, etc. Reaching for the staff of such significant companies can only testify to the dramatic lack of people who could be sent to war.

– Despite knowing the consequences of publishing this type of content, the campaign was widely echoed in social media. One example is Twitter where, for example, Yevgeniy Garanin (an employee of Rosatom) reported on such incidents. It is also loud in the ranks of the opposition, especially around Navalny, who directly talk about the insidious provocation of the FSB. Information is circulating on the web about forced mobilization due to the shortage of volunteers and professional soldiers in the coming months of the winter invasion.

– At the present time, the conscription from Siberia is no longer enough, Putin’s war knocked on the door in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

– The terrible state of the warehouses means that the new army throw is not prepared for the winter campaign. Basic items of equipment such as uniforms or weapons for troops are missing.

– Silent consent to the theft of supplies from public funds – an example coming from above prevents the newly mobilized from being properly equipped.

– The accident on the Crimean Bridge resembles the circumstances of the unclear alleged bomb attacks in Chechnya during the war. While in this case the infrastructure was damaged, not residential buildings, the Russian government will try to explain the events as an attack on the symbol of a successful 2014 campaign and will most likely try to increase support for a further invasion.

Sources:  Sergey Danilenko, oppositionist, social activist, supporting A. Nawalny;, Yevgeniy Garanin  Rosatom employee, supporter of the authorities

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