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We urge the OSCE Minsk Group countries and the sides of the Nov. 9, 2020 trilateral statement to take the necessary steps to ensure the rights and security of the population of Nagorno-Karabakh-Freedom House

December 15,2022 19:20

“We call on the int’l community to reiterate its support for negotiations without coercion. Azerbaijan must cease its blockage of the Lachin corridor— the only road connecting Nagorno-Karabakh to the outside world”,- the Freedom House said in a tweet.

“We are disturbed by reports that Azerbaijan has also cut off the gas supply to Nagorno-Karabakh once again. We call on the Azerbaijani government to restore unhindered gas supplies to the people of the region.

Finally, we urge the OSCE Minsk Group countries and the sides of the Nov. 9, 2020 trilateral statement to take the necessary steps to ensure the rights and security of the population of Nagorno-Karabakh, including their freedom of movement”- it added.


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