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Meetings of David Babayan’s Delegation with Armenia’s Parliamentary Factions

December 16,2022 22:55

On December 16, Acting Foreign Minister of the Republic of Artsakh David Babayan, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Artsakh to the Republic of Armenia Sergey Ghazaryan and Artsakh Republic Deputy Permanent Representative to Armenia Ashot Melyan had meetings with ‘Civil Agreement’, ‘Armenia’, and ‘I Have the Honor’ factions of the Republic of Armenia’s National Assembly.

The meeting participants discussed the current situation in Artsakh occurred due to the illegal blockade by Azerbaijan and the ensuing possible developments, as well as the diplomatic activities being implemented in this regard.

David Babayan stressed the need to overcome jointly all the challenges facing the Armenian people and to unite for saving Artsakh. The sides noted also the importance of consistently cementing and expanding the cooperation.

All the political factions represented in the National Assembly of Armenia assured that Artsakh is a supreme value for All Armenians and they would do their utmost for the consolidation and development of Artsakh.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Artsakh

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