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“It became obvious from the UN Security Council Session that the pressure has increased; the Nagorno-Karabakh problem is becoming international.” NA Deputy Speaker

December 22,2022 15:15

In a conversation with journalists in the National Assembly, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Ruben Rubinyan, referring to the discussion and expectations regarding the blockade of Artsakh at the UN Security Council Session, said: “First of all, I give a very positive assessment, I think it was a very successful meeting, and in fact, the representatives of all countries mentioned that the illegal blocking of the Lachin Corridor should stop. They called on Azerbaijan to adhere to the provision of the November 9 statement, according to which the Lachin Corridor should ensure an uninterrupted connection between Armenia and Artsakh.

According to my information, you know that at the beginning of the Session it was presented that there is a draft of a press release, it is a text that can be adopted only by consensus and according to my information. It is now under discussion, we will see what the results will be, the events on the ground will become clear.”

To the question, the representative of Azerbaijan said that Azerbaijan had not closed it, and third countries are interested. What does it mean? Rubinyan answered. “It refers to Russia; it is a false propaganda thesis of Azerbaijan, which is used on various platforms. In this specific case, the UN Security Council, did not directly say that it refers to Russia, but they say it openly on other platforms. Naturally, this is not true, the Lachin Corridor was illegally blocked by the Azerbaijanis.”

To the question: “will these calls force Azerbaijan to lift the blockade of Artsakh, because calls were made during the 44-day war, but Azerbaijan did not listen, Rubinyan answered. “I would not compare the calls during the 44-day war with these calls.” According to him, after the September event in Armenia, these calls are much more targeted, clear and tough. “We should increase the international pressure on Azerbaijan as much as possible. It became obvious from the meeting that this pressure has increased because the Nagorno-Karabakh problem is becoming internationalized again, resulting from Azerbaijan’s illegal steps. The representatives of all countries used the name “Nagorno-Karabakh” against the insistence of Azerbaijan, fixing the importance of the November 9 declaration and the importance of the agreement contained in it. Everyone was fixating on Lachine Corridor and its status. We must keep increasing the pressure.”

To the question “Will Azerbaijan’s so-called “environmentalists” be allowed to visit the mine”? Rubinyan answered that it is up to the authorities of Artsakh to decide and is within their jurisdiction.



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