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“The engineering week is one of the most expected events of Armenia of the technological sphere”: RA NA Vice President

December 23,2022 20:20

Hakob Arshakyan Takes Part in Armenia-Engineering Week 2022 Event


On December 23, the RA NA Vice President Hakob Arshakyan gave a welcome speech in the Armenia-Engineering Week 2022 Forum.

Welcoming the participants of the event, Hakob Arshakyan presented the recent developments of the sphere, the state policy in the in the spheres of science, military industry and high technologies.

“The engineering week is one of the most expected events of Armenia of the technological sphere. I hope that we’ll be able to really turn it into an event of importance of regional scale.

The sphere of high-technological industry this year, as well as in the previous year, has registered record indices of growth, affecting on the economic environment of Armenia. Armenia has no alternative than to develop the engineering sphere in more and more at an accelerated pace. This year Armenia registered about 13% of economic growth, being one of the three countries registered the highest economic growth in the world, and here the role of the high technology companies is very big.

In 2022, according to forecasts, the turnover of the sphere will register about 60 percent growth, reaching about 430 billion AMD, and in the gross domestic product (GDP) the turnover of the high technology companies will be about 5 percent.

The Government pays great attention to financing of science, here also we have impressive growth. In 2022, the financing of science has increased by 80 and more percent and for 2023 – the growth continues. We expect that in terms of development of science we’ll have impressive achievements,” the NA Vice President said.

He noted that there are also substantial changes on defense industry. It, particularly, refers to the reality of turning from elaborations to serial production, as well as in 2022, the defense industry companies – to the unprecedented volumes of reduced government orders.

Regarding the perspective and the challenges of the current scientific-technological development of Armenia, the NA Vice President underlined the necessity of ensuring education-science-industry institutional connection, which will contribute to the leapfrog development of economy.

The Minister of High-Tech Industry Robert Khachatryan noted that this Forum is a unique platform for the representatives and the concerned persons of the sphere. This is a good opportunity to disclose the international tendencies and undertake attempts in localizing those tendencies in Armenia.

On December the events of the Armenia-Engineering Week 2022 Forum will continue in the Engineering City, and the final event will take place in Vanadzor Technology Center on December 25.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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