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“If our demands are ignored, we will try to open the road ourselves.” Demonstration near the Russian Embassy

December 26,2022 12:33

The civil initiative “Recognition of the Republic of Artsakh” recently organized a rally supporting Artsakh. They made a statement in Freedom Square and then marched to the Russian Embassy. According to the statement, according to the November 9 document, the Lachin Corridor should be under the control of Russian peacekeeping forces, and Azerbaijan should ensure the safe movement of citizens, vehicles, and cargo through the corridor.

Narek Ayvazyan, a member of the initiative, said: “Azerbaijan has blocked the vital road and stopped the connection with Nagorno-Karabakh, using the incomprehensible pretext of environmental concerns to extort RA territories by intimidation to depopulate Artsakh, which the Russian Federation patronizes through its inaction—using the incomprehensible pretext of environmental concerns, to extort RA territories by intimidation, to depopulate Artsakh, which the Russian Federation patronizes through its inaction. It is not the first case when Azerbaijan acted unscrupulously and violated the obligations under the agreement. During the weeks after the agreement signing, NK and Azerbaijani provided line was not protected; up to a dozen villages surrendered, new prisoners were taken, and citizens were killed. The status of the Lachine Corridor has been disrupted. Thus, it is understandable that Azerbaijan is not interested in peaceful conflict resolution. It is more concerned with new territorial ambitions.

Therefore we demand that the Russian Federation, the signatory country of the ceasefire agreement, whose troops are stationed in Artsakh, fulfill its obligations and work to open a vital path. We should also call for deploying multinational peacekeepers with international mandate and authority to maintain peace and protect the people of Armenia and Artsakh. We must urge the world to recognize the right of self-determination of the people of Artsakh.” According to members of the initiative, by uniting, Armenians can bring change. “The situation in Nagorno-Karabakh is terrible and requires immediate action… As a civil initiative, “Recognition of the Republic of Artsakh,” we are ready to take political responsibility for unblocking Artsakh’s vital road and peace. Suppose our demands, requests, and urges are ignored, which is undesirable. In that case, we will have to make sacrifices and try to open the vital way for 120 thousand Artsakh citizens ourselves. We cannot stand by and let our compatriots suffer. We raise our voice of solidarity with the people of Artsakh. Let us together demand justice for the people of Artsakh. Together we can make a difference and ensure a brighter future for everyone.”

Before reaching the Russian embassy, the protesters passed by the government and the UN office. They urged the government to be more rigid and present a demand to the Russian peacekeepers to fulfill their obligations. Near the UN office, the initiative members announced that the humanitarian corridor is an international right. “Both the international community and the Russian Federation are obliged to fulfill their obligations. Having 120,000 captives in the 21st century is a direct consequence of the indifference of international institutions and the criminal activity of the Russian Federation.



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