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“Your motto is: “Charity during the war”, but a more brutal war?”

January 09,2023 19:01

On the initiative of Artsakh mothers, a peaceful action was held in front of the Artsakh office of the Red Cross. The mothers requested and called on the Red Cross to fully fulfill its internationally established functions, after which they sent a letter to the head of the “ICRC” Nagorno Karabakh mission on behalf of the Artsakh Mothers’ Club.

The letter below:

“We, the mothers of Artsakh, having survived with our children for almost 1 month under the conditions of the total Azerbaijani blockade, have exhausted ourselves mentally and exhausted all our resources.

Our children are malnourished, we are horrified by the thought that the child may get sick because a number of essential medicines are completely missing.

Many mothers of formula-fed children are horrified by going from pharmacy to pharmacy every day and not finding the formula. Today, our children were supposed to go to kindergarten and school, but they are standing with us in front of your office in this cold because in the conditions of food shortage, a number of public education institutions were closed and among other fundamental rights, they are also deprived of their fundamental right to education. Some of them have already been away from their parents for 1 month and they don’t even know when they will have the chance to hug their parents again…

We appreciate all the efforts made by the Red Cross to alleviate the crisis and thank you for your compassion, but unfortunately, given the severity of the situation, they are not enough and the disaster is getting worse, so we ask and call on you, as the most influential humanitarian organization in the world, to use all your connections, resources and efforts to prevent at least the humanitarian aspect of this crisis.

Your motto is: “Charity during the war”, but a more brutal war?”.


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