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Ashot Hovakimian presented in detail to the Czech spiritual leaders the consequences of Azerbaijan’s aggression towards Armenia

January 10,2023 21:21

On January 6, Ambassador Ashot Hovakimian visited the Archbishopric of Prague, where he was received by the Archbishop of Prague and Czech Prmate, Mons. Jan Graubner, and the Archbishop Emeritus, Cardinal Dominik Duka. The Ambassador congratulated the high-ranking clergymen of the Czech Catholic Church on the New Year and Christmas holidays and thanked them for organizing such a meeting, which has become a tradition.

The Czech Archbishops, for their part, congratulated the Ambassador on the occasion of Christmas and Epiphany celebrated by the Armenian Apostolic Church on January 6, sending good wishes and prayers and expressing their solidarity with Armenia and the Armenian people. They asked the Ambassador to convey their message to the Armenians living in the Czech Republic.

A.Hovakimian presented in detail to the Czech spiritual leaders the consequences of Azerbaijan’s aggression towards Armenia, as well as the crisis situation created in Nagorno Karabakh due to the closure of the Lachin Corridor, he also described the encroachments on Armenian historical and cultural values.


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