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What is your punishment in this earthly life? Pashinyan enumerates: “The biggest punishment is that all this has been poured on my head. Do you want a better punishment than that?” (Video)

January 11,2023 12:02

On January 10, at the press conference of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan,’s question was the last one, and we had the opportunity to summarize the policy mistakes of this government somewhat and ask the following.

“When you were told that you are failing the Armenian-Russian relations, you are ruining the RA-EU relations, you said: “cry your pain; in the history of the Third Republic, the Armenian-Russian relations have never been at a higher level, more reliable than today”.

Now, in the case of the blockade of Artsakh, the people of Artsakh, as you say, are crying their pain, we are crying our pain here, and that is the direct answer to the success or failure of those relations. When you made certain mistakes in the past, it was forgiven because we said it was an inexperienced, new government that came out of the so-called people’s bosom. Still, any of your mistakes are no longer forgiven because you have been in power for almost five years.

You are trying to justify in the National Assembly that the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was recognized by the 2010 Law “On Administrative Territorial Division” Artsakh was recognized as part of Azerbaijan in 2007, which is criticized by the opposition, that you are pursuing an Armenian-hating policy. After all, you announced from the NA podium that you are guilty; there might not have been many victims… Any guilt implies a certain punishment; now, what is your punishment in this earthly life?

Pashinyan answered: “This is also a punishment in the earthly life. I understand what you are saying. As for punishment, punishment is a criminal law concept, and if I have committed any action worthy of punishment, that punishment is inevitable. It will come at any moment because the principle of certainty of punishment works in RA”.

Pashinyan said that what we said about relations with Russia is understandable, but do we want to understand what happened? “My problem with what you said is that at some point that talk gets in the way and doesn’t allow us to understand what happened in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2015, 2016, 2011, 2007, 1999, 1994, in 1998. I don’t have a problem with all that. It is heard in the National Assembly and on social networks; the problem there is not that someone can call me a traitor; the problem is not even that someone can curse; the problem is that all that serves our problem of not understanding. And our problem is more profound and related to what I said openly and transparently in my New Year’s message. I still say today that there has never been a more reliable relationship between the Russian Federation and us because, after what I talked to you about today, none of our partners can say that I learned from the press that you have such a thing in mind. It is very reliable, but it does not change the facts. ”

He said this problem of mutual obligations in the security sector existed even before him. Speaking about the punishment, Pashinyan said.

“The most significant punishment is that all this has been poured on my head. Want a better punishment than that? You might be wrong if you think that a better penalty can be given to anyone than that. I have been in prison, and until now, as my close friends know, I remember my imprisonment in a very positive tone. If anyone thinks that this has punished me, they are sorely mistaken. When people say that punishment, it seems like cutting their hands with a saw, etc., is also a punishment. I don’t know if it’s not a punishment, but you understand that what happened in 2020 is the culmination of many long events.

Do you think what is happening today has nothing to do with the events of 2020? I’m not making excuses, you said everything, and I agree with everything 100 percent; I’ll sign below, that’s not the question, but I want you, all of us, to understand better what’s happening. And something is happening that now the world is collapsing, falling apart. Like the collapse that started with the Karabakh issue on February 20, 1988, it was not a cause but a sign; the same is the case now.

Yes, there might have been no victims, and there might have been no victims from September 27 to November 8, 2020, but that doesn’t mean there wouldn’t have been the same or twice as many losses from October 6 to February 17, 2021. : Do you understand everything has a price, and we have paid that price, we are paying it, and we will pay it? But for what did we pay? Didn’t we know that the end of this story was going to be like this”?


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