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Sergey Ghazaryan has been appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs

January 11,2023 22:33

On January 11, State Minister Ruben Vardanyan introduced the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Ghazaryan, who previously held the position of Permanent Representative of the Republic of Artsakh to the Republic of Armenia, to the senior staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

State Minister thanked David Babayan for assuming the responsible position of Minister of Foreign Affairs in a difficult post-war period in 2020 and honestly fulfilling his mission. He then thanked Sergey Ghazaryan for taking a difficult decision to assume the position in critical conditions of blockade imposed on Artsakh by Azerbaijan.

Sergey Ghazaryan also thanked David Babayan for taking on such a responsible mission immediately after the war and expressed his readiness to make every effort to overcome difficulties with honor.

Speaking about the most serious challenges facing the country in the current situation, State Minister emphasized the following three objectives: maintain Artsakh as a subject, ensure the security of the country and bring Artsakh in the spotlight of international attention.

State Minister Vardanyan stressed that in the near future the efforts of all structures, and in particular, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, would be directed towards achieving these goals.

Due to the ongoing blockade of the Republic of Artsakh, the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs will be carrying out his activities from the Republic of Armenia.


Information and Public Relations Department of the Foreign Mimistry of the Republic of Artsakh

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