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“Peacekeepers should stay and ensure security here for decades.” Minister of State of Artsakh

January 13,2023 11:15

“I don’t want to comment on the words of a politician. But if there is such an opinion, I will advise you to stand by us and see what role the Russian peacekeepers are playing today”. During an online discussion organized by Artsakh Public Television on January 12, on the occasion of the one-month blockade of Artsakh by Azerbaijan, said Ruben Vardanyan, Minister of State of the Republic of Artsakh. He refers to one of the international media questions, how does he treat RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s assertion that the Russian peacekeepers are not fulfilling their function?

Ruben Vardanyan stressed: “Peacekeepers have a complicated situation, and we would like their mandate to be clearer and long-term, their number to increase. Today we could be in a more difficult situation. It is easy to assess from the outside; we see their unfortunate situation and cooperate to find solutions to get out of the situation. We will not achieve anything just by saying they are doing something bad. It is how we will help Azerbaijan, which wants the peacekeepers to leave Artsakh. They should stay and ensure security here for tens of years.”


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