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“You should not accept that objection; it is against the order. The Lachin Corridor is closed and has disastrous consequences.” Ruben Rubinyan, on the occasion of Samad Seidov’s objection

January 24,2023 12:45

During the plenary session of the PACE winter session, the only delegate who spoke against organizing a discussion on the blockade of the Lachin Corridor was Samad Seidov, the head of the Azerbaijani delegation to the PACE. The president of the organization, Tiny Kox, announced a proposal by the PACE Presidency to organize a discussion of current issues on this issue and asked if there were any people against it. No one responded. Then the president said that there were no objections, so the matter was put to the vote. After this, the chairman of the PACE Azerbaijani delegation, Samad Seyidov, announced that he had an objection. He was given the right to speak.

“Today, we witnessed some problematic issues that are strange to me. I am against organizing a current affairs discussion because it is all wrong. I know I will be in the minority, but I have to say that this is not true. The Lachin corridor is open. That’s why when you write blockade in the discussion title, it doesn’t correspond to reality. That is why I am against it, and I have facts. I will still have the opportunity to present them to you to show that the road is open and no one will block it. But some forces want to show the opposite situation, which is why I am against that discussion.”

The head of the Armenian delegation to PACE, Ruben Rubinyan, announced that the presidency should not accept Samad Seidov’s objection because, after the PACE president’s question, who was against it, no one responded. It is against the order. Then Ruben Rubinyan announced: “Lachin Corridor is closed, and it has disastrous consequences. It is a humanitarian crisis, and this issue must be discussed.” Then the question was put to the vote. It was adopted with a ratio of 91 “for,” 13 “against,” and 13 “abstentions.”




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