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The Azerbaijani delegate in PACE manipulated Anna Hakobyan’s participation in the Tehran conference

January 25,2023 14:02

During the plenary session of the PACE winter session, during the discussion of the report on “Sexual violence related to the conflict,” a member of the Azerbaijani delegation,  Konul  Nurullayeva, mentioned that thousands of Azerbaijani women were victims of various types of sexual violence during the Karabakh war, etc.

Then she discussed the participation of RA Prime Minister’s wife, Mrs. Anna Hakobyan, in the “First International Congress of Influential Women” held in Tehran and mentioned: “How can she justify her participation in a propaganda campaign in which only the first ladies of 10 countries took part. The participation of RA in this event in Iran contradicts the united position of Western countries regarding human rights and democracy.”

Arusyak Julhakyan, a member of the Armenian delegation to the PACE, and deputy of the “Civil Contract” faction, before her speech, responded to the statements of the Azerbaijani delegate and said: “Hearing the praise of democracy from a representative of a country which is one of the most repressive countries recorded in the reports of all international organizations, we can only feel a facepalm (emoji covering the face with the palm), nothing else.”

Then she spoke about Azerbaijani atrocities and violence against captives, particularly Armenian women, both during their lifetime and in connection with the torture of their corpses.

The deputy stated: “After Azerbaijan’s aggression against Armenia in September 2022, the Armenian and the international community were shocked by the terrible videos spread in the Azerbaijani media. The Armenian female servicepersons in the hands of the Azerbaijani armed forces were subjected to extremely inhumane treatment. The bodies of all the female prisoners were tortured, and the marks of the Azerbaijani special forces were left on their bodies. Their children saw that videos. The remains of these women have not been handed over to the Armenian side. Moreover, these actions are followed by cynicism seasoned with hate speech. It is also ethnic violence. These crimes must be punished because impunity breeds new crimes.”




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